5 Facebook Groups Every Real Estate Agent Should Know About
Oh, how being a real estate agent has changed over the years.
It used to be that if you wanted to learn something, get another agent’s perspective, or just plain shoot the industry breeze, you were limited to the agents in your office.
Now, with just the click of a button, you can pretty much hang with some of the coolest, brightest, and most helpful agents around the globe. Right on Facebook. All day. Any day.
There’s plenty of groups to choose from, but here are five that you should really check out, if you haven’t already. So here they are, in no particular order.
1. The Real Estate Agent Group – Collaboration, Tips & Insights
The group’s name says it all, so no need to describe what to expect.
This is a closed group that’s pretty good about making sure that only real estate agents and related professionals are allowed in. So you can say and ask what you like without feeling like the world is watching.
It’s a great group for new agents, all the way to the most seasoned agents.
It’s been around for quite some time and is constantly active. While some agents come and go, many have been around in there for years.
As with many groups, no self-promotion of any sort is allowed. But of course, there’s always someone who decides to post their new listing, or brag about how great they are…
…and that’s when the llamas come out in full force. (It’s worth joining just to see what a llama-fest is. Go ahead and post one of your listings… you’ll see.)
Click here to visit this group.
2. Raise The Bar In Real Estate
This group used to be a closed group, but now it’s public. That change is in line with the transparency and change which the group champions.
We’ve all heard talk about how easy it is to get into this business. And how there’s a lack of professionalism in our industry. And how certain agents give us all a bad reputation.
But what are we supposed to do about it? What can you do about it?
For starters… join this Facebook group.
No matter what industry you’re in, there’s always going to be a few “bad apples”. Surround yourself with the good apples — the ones deliberately trying to improve our industry and the perception of agents.
If you truly care about the real estate industry, and how the public perceives it, this group is for you.
Click here to visit this group.
3. Lab Coat Agents
This group was founded to “explore the science of real estate”.
Here you’ll find some of the sharpest minds in real estate, all in one place, all sharing what they know and do best. But even the newest of agents can chime in and add to the conversations. So don’t be shy.
The discussions in this group mostly center around systems, lead gen, and tactics to build and grow your business.
The founders and members definitely have a “what’s working now” mindset, and they love exploring the virtues (and downfalls) of all the various softwares and services available to agents today.
To that end, the group sorta feels like a Consumer’s Digest for real estate tools and technology.
This is a great group if you want some actionable help with your real estate business, and it’s even better if you can bring some helpfulness to the table.
Click here to visit this group.
4. Real Estate Happy Hour
Some of the real estate groups out there can be a bit rigid and prudish, and you really need to watch what you say, and how you say it.
That’s not a bad thing. It’s just wise to mind your manners online.
But if you like to let loose, and say exactly what’s on your mind (even if it’s not necessarily real estate related), then this group will feel like home away from home to you. As the name suggests, it’s like hanging out at the bar with thousands of fellow agents.
WARNING: This group is NOT for the easily offended. You’ve gotta have a sense of humor. Perhaps even a dark, twisted, or crude sense of humor. (Saying that with love. This group is great… if you can hang.)
If you’re the slightest bit uptight, you should probably take a pass on checking this group out. But if you do, and are offended, don’t bother saying so in a comment… you’ll probably be ousted from the group by a jeering crowd.
Click here to visit the group.
5. Inner Circle Engage (ICE)
This one is a well-kept secret you’ve probably never even heard about.
That’s because only a very limited amount of agents were allowed to join during one week back in November 2016.
However, you’ve most likely heard about The Lighter Side Of Real Estate. This is their exclusive “inner circle” for fans who belong to Lighter Side’s paid membership (click here to learn more).
Full disclosure…
The Lighter Side and Inner Circle are our own page and group. So, instead of humble bragging, I’d rather just let the members themselves tell you about this group.
Check out what our members are saying…
“We’re getting REAL results.”

“We actually learn useful stuff.”

“The stuff we learn is actionable.”

“All the members here are positive.”

“We root for each others success.”

“We’re not Judgie McJudgersons.”

“We help each other.”

“This group is addictive!”

“We simply LOVE this group!”