One Resolution You Can Easily Stick With To Improve Your Real Estate Business
Raise your hand if you’ve at least mentally made a resolution to sell more houses in the coming year.
Every year is a clean slate to buckle down and do more business. But too often, agents are either way too broad and vague, or way too specific and detailed about how to actually make that happen.
On one hand you have agents who are basically like, “I wanna sell 100 houses next year…”, but don’t even scribble a note or two on a napkin about how to actually get there.
On the other hand you have agents who create these elaborate plans of attack to make more sales by doing more than is humanly possible in a day, or doing things they don’t enjoy doing. (Like, are they really, and I mean reallllly, going to cold call FSBOs and expireds every day for the next year?)
There’s gotta be a happy medium. Something you can write down on paper and actually stick to throughout the year. Something easy… Something enjoyable… Someth…got it! Get your pen ready and formally jot this down on a napkin:
I will post one real estate related meme per day for the next year.
How simple is that?! Think you could pull that off for a year? You bet! No sweat!
But, as with anything that seems too easy, or too good to be true, it begs a question: Will doing this really help me sell more houses next year?
Honestly, doing that alone probably isn’t going to lead to selling 100 houses in the next year. But doing more business (no matter how much, or how little you currently do) starts with small, daily steps. Habits. And many of the things agents try to add into their routine are so costly, unpleasant, or so difficult to pull off on a daily, recurring basis, that they end up doing nothing on a regular basis in terms of marketing themselves.
Half the battle in getting more real estate business and referrals is simply reminding the people that know you that you’re in the business (AKA staying top of mind). In the past, that had to be done by calling them and mailing things to them on a regular basis. Now, with social media, you can pretty much remind everyone you’re in real estate on a daily basis. (As long as you’re not super annoying about it at least…)
If you subtly remind people you’re in the business, and ideally make ‘em laugh and maybe even learn something while you’re at it, you’d be surprised how many leads you pick up throughout a year — whether directly or indirectly — due to the memes you share.
Check out the collage below. It shows examples of people’s reactions to the memes we’ve created for agents:
See?! It literally can be as simple as posting memes!
Now, that said, it has to be done consistently! You can’t just post one here and there and expect to stay top of mind. This is a residual effect.
And don’t necessarily expect people to go bonkers over them. You could literally not get a reaction or comment on many of the memes you share (which can be discouraging) and they’re still having an impact. It’s just a daily reminder that you’re in the business, without being obnoxious. Nobody gets annoyed about seeing something that’s entertaining in their feed, but if you’re constantly bragging or begging for business, well, that gets annoying.
They don’t even all have to be knee-slapping funny, either. You can (and should) switch up the types of memes you share every day. Just make sure you’re posting a real estate related meme once per day. Here’s a sample of 7 days in a row of different types of real estate memes:
– Give them a little taste of “agent life” with something like this. It’s just a gentle reminder that you’re in the biz, but it also implies that you sell a lot of homes:

👉 Remove our watermark and share this meme with your branding 👈
– Share a useful (ideally unique) homeownership tip:

👉 Remove our watermark and share this meme with your branding 👈
– It could be something as simple as a real estate related quote… (Make sure to cite who said it!)

👉 Remove our watermark and share this meme with your branding 👈
– If there’s a holiday, no matter what day it lands on, make sure to piggyback off of it with a real estate twist!

👉 Remove our watermark and share this meme with your branding 👈
– Share a fun, interesting real estate fact:

👉 Remove our watermark and share this meme with your branding 👈
– Who even comes up with some of those crazy “national days”?! Honestly, who cares?! They’re a great excuse to talk about real estate in a fun way…

👉 Remove our watermark and share this meme with your branding 👈
– Hit up buyers or sellers with something cleverly promotional, like these:

👉 Remove our watermark and share this meme with your branding 👈

👉 Remove our watermark and share this meme with your branding 👈
That’s just an example of a week using various types of memes. It doesn’t have to be that regimented or diverse. In other words, you can post the same type of real estate related meme every day…just make sure you’re literally posting a real estate related meme every day.
It doesn’t take more than a couple minutes, and the compound effect of doing it daily will be way greater than the effort required. All you have to do is commit to doing it. In terms of New Year resolutions, it doesn’t get simpler, easier, or more fun than that!
So where can you find the best real estate related memes to post every day? Easy…
Just check out The Lighter Side of Real Estate page on Facebook! We’ve posted tons of them over the years that you can share for free. (Pro tip: Don’t just share the new ones; scroll through the ones we published some time ago.)
But, if you want access to tons more, and be able to slap YOUR branding on them, you should check out our Inner Circle membership. Plus, you can save a ton of time using the calendar and scheduling features we’ve created for our members.
For less than the cost of a cup of coffee per day, you’ll get access to all of our memes and get them the minute they’re published! And, you’ll get access to a whole lot of other types of content you can brand to supplement your meme marketing, like:
- Email templates
- Articles
- 20 booklets (like How to Prepare Your House for Sale, a buyer’s guide, a seller’s guide, and many more…)
- Witty postcards
- And so much more (discover all the details here)…
No matter which way you decide to go, just make sure to share at least one real estate meme per day! Once you get in the habit, this New Year resolution will be an easy way for you to stay top of mind with people when it’s time for them to buy or sell a house for years to come!
Final note: Sign up for our free weekly newsletter if you’d like our meme of the week, as well as tons of interesting stories and tips to grow your real estate business!