VPD Is Plaguing The Real Estate Industry. Have You Been Infected?

What is VPD? Glad you asked.

It stands for ‘Vertical Photo Disease’.

(Graphic image below. Viewer discretion is advised.)


Oh, the horror!

Coined by Robert Wagener (aka ‘The RockinRealtyGuy’), this dreaded condition is affecting throngs of real estate professionals and their clients everywhere.

The telltale sign of VPD is when marketing photos don’t show the whole room. Instead, black bars appear on the sides, making the room look tiny. This, in turn, inhibits agents and potential buyers from seeing exactly what the interior looks like.

Perhaps the biggest victims of this condition are home sellers, who have the most to lose when their homes don’t sell as a result. The good is, VPD is fully treatable. (see below video)

Agents, as well as buyers and sellers, need to band together and take a stand against VPD. The first step is awareness, which you can accomplish by sharing this video with others.

Via Robert Wagener III (The Rockin Realty Guy)


For fast relief of VPD, get professional photos taken! However, if using your cell phone is unavoidable, flip it horizontally like this…

Via Techcrunch

WARNING! Side effects of treatment may include:

  • Shorter Days on Market
  • Happier Seller Clients
  • Better Reputation

Agents: Share this article with your branding... as if you authored it.

(Shh, our secret)

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