Here’s a cautionary tale about the importance of using correct spelling when running ads.
A man wanting to sell his home by owner posted an ad in his local newspaper. It started off innocently enough, and everything seemed fine about the listing until the last line, which read, “No Asians thank you”. When a reporter went to interrogate the man, an interesting conversation ensued:
Note: The conversation is transcribed below. You might want to read along due to poor video quality.
(1:28 video)
Reporter: I would like to ask you a few questions about the house you have for sale.
Seller: Well, I’d rather not answer it.
Reporter: Why not?
Seller: Because I don’t want to. I’m not going to spell my business for everybody over the air.
Reporter: I’m not interested in how much you want for the house, I’m just interested why you don’t want any Asians to buy it or move in.
Seller: The simple reason is they’re too lazy.
Reporter: Why don’t you want Asians moving into your house?
Seller: It’s just that I don’t like the Asians. It’s all it is.
Reporter: You just don’t want them in your place?
Seller: They’re just a mob of crooks, that’s all they are.
Reporter: Don’t you know there’s a law against what your doing?
Seller: Well, no one has told me that.
Reporter: Don’t you think it’s wrong?
Seller: Even the Asian said I could have my sign up. If I can get the buyer, then I’m the seller.
Reporter: So you won’t give it to an Asian person?
Seller: If they come up with a buy then yes. All they’re interested in is to put the sign up. That’s it. I’ve had Asians. I’ve had to knock them back.
Reporter: What would (pause). Oh no, – agents. Do you know your ad says no Asians?
Seller: Asians, so, well that’s a bit extreme.
Reporter: Is that what you said, no Asians?
Seller: No, no, no. Agents!
Reporter: You said no agents?
Seller: Sorry!
Editor’s Note…