How to Mold Your Real Estate Prospects Into Ideal Future Clients
There’s nothing better than working with a client who listens to every piece of advice you give along the way. It makes for a smooth
Life as an agent is never dull. Sometimes it’s downright thrilling! And we’re not just talking about those moments when you help clients find their dream homes, or get a listing sold with multiple offers in two days…
…sometimes it’s more like being the lead in a spine-tingling horror movie.
Here’s 14 things that make real estate agents want to scream and scram!
(Shh, our secret)
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There’s nothing better than working with a client who listens to every piece of advice you give along the way. It makes for a smooth
Question: Have you seen the postcards most agents send out? BOOOR-ING! I’m pretty sure they make the prospects sleep-walk on their way back inside the
“Let me know if you or anyone you know is thinking about buying or selling a house in the near future!” Sound familiar? Even if
If you’re thinking about becoming a real estate agent, you’re probably aware that you don’t make a dime until (and unless) you sell a house.
Every agent needs a lead list. They are compilations of prospects you can reach out to when you are trying to drum up business. They
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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