A Family Has Been Making These Amazingly Awkward Christmas Cards For 12 Years

On occasion, we take a quick breather from all things “real estate” to bring you something too fun to pass up. For this holiday season, we’ve discovered just the thing.

Twelve years ago, Mike and Laura Bergeron of Aliso Viejo, California took up the tradition of creating holiday greetings that would be sure to get a laugh out of pretty much anyone they send it to. The husband and wife team have been dressing up each year and going to JCPenney to have their cards made. The reactions they’ve had from JCPenney employees and recipients of the cards were so great, they just kept it going… and going… and going.

It all started with this 1980’s themed card. Seriously, a thinning, hair-plugged hairline and fake mustache have never looked so suave.

After that, the trend was set. As Mike said, “I have always given Christmas gifts to everyone that I’m close to, so by the time I turned 30 it was getting pretty difficult to find ways to express to the people that I love that they are important to me through some small gift.”

Shout out to the holiday nerds!

Santa’s elves ate the “special cookies.” Apparently, Saturday Night Live was one of Mike’s favorite shows. Perhaps that’s why they favor the show’s characters so closely.

Merry friggin’ Christmas from your enthusiastic American Gothic family.

Walking into JCPenney as a Mexican gang family was apparently quite an experience. Mike reports that people didn’t even make eye contact.

Of course, that 70’s Christmas was blessed with their first bundle of joy!

This is one united uni-brow family.

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“We’ve got The Cure for the holiday chills…” Apparently, the Bergerons tend to come up with their theme in October. Have to wonder if Halloween is helpful in the vetting process.

Sometimes the only way to make the greeting awkward enough is to leave as little as possible to the imagination. Forget the Mexican gang family… I wonder how much eye contact the JCPenney employees and customers made with this one?

Or just mix it up with a good cross dressing fetish. What fun will they come out with this year?

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