Agents: Stop Sending Boring Postcards… Send Ones Like THESE! (16 examples)
Question: Have you seen the postcards most agents send out? BOOOR-ING! I’m pretty sure they make the prospects sleep-walk on their way back inside the
Many of us live in a fast paced world of productivity and entertainment. As a result, our “down time” is very important to us. When you only take a day (hopefully two) out of your week to rest, getting the most out of your down time is key. Here are some accessories designed to help reduce how much effort you spend in the bedroom.
If you liked these thoughtful products, you’ll love this furniture hack:
(Shh, our secret)
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Question: Have you seen the postcards most agents send out? BOOOR-ING! I’m pretty sure they make the prospects sleep-walk on their way back inside the
Most real estate agents were shocked enough when they heard that The National Association of Realtors and two brokerage firms were liable for $1.8 billion
FACT: Your ability to attract clients has less to do with your “credentials”… and everything to do with how people feel about you. As a
Fair Warning: This story isn’t exactly short. BUT… if you stick with me til the end, AND you’re a real estate agent, you’ll receive a
Oh, how being a real estate agent has changed over the years. It used to be that if you wanted to learn something, get another
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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