Why Witty Agents Get More Business
FACT: Your ability to attract clients has less to do with your “credentials”… and everything to do with how people feel about you. As a
We’ve all experienced those Greta Garbo moments when we just “want to be alone.” But it’s often difficult to express that sentiment without coming off as rude or unfriendly. Well, what if your welcome mat could do the talking for you?
The following are 15 less-than-inviting welcome mats that get your message across loud and clear. So the next time you’re craving a little alone time, put out one of these and watch would-be visitors do a double-take.
It’s true, no one gets as warm a welcome as the fellow carrying a large pie.
A post shared by @veryunwelcoming on
Hey, at least you know exactly where you stand with these folks.
This is ideal for that pal who always comes empty-handed and overstays his welcome.
Either this is #pms or I've developed a sudden allergy to other humans #unwelcomemat
A post shared by Ramona Holloway (@ramonaholloway) on
If you’re not near a Taco Bell, better try again later.
This will make you reconsider ringing that bell, won’t it?
There’s something to be said for knowing who brings out the best in you.
A post shared by SALLY – ANGIE – LUCY (@jappychins) on
A little contact goes a long way.
#ineedthat #doormat #unwelcomemat #idontlikehumancontact #ig #thatsenoughofthat
A post shared by Misses Blumenberg (@moe_blumenberg) on
If you’re inundated with people trying to sell you things you don’t want or need, this should do the trick!
This little kitty needs to mind her manners.
Just because the front door is colorful, that doesn’t mean you’re invited to walk through it.
Who needs a bouncer when you’ve got this unpleasant pug working the door?
It doesn’t get much more straightforward than this!
(Shh, our secret)
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FACT: Your ability to attract clients has less to do with your “credentials”… and everything to do with how people feel about you. As a
If I’m not writing, I’m selling real estate. Sometimes, when I reveal this to my artsy writer friends, I get a look of surprise or
Hello dearest real estate friend. Glad you could make it today. What I want to do here is simple – convince you to be yourself.
There are some things that you don’t want to learn by mistake. Not that I haven’t made some of these mistakes myself. But if I
Want a strong dose of reality? Are you sure? Because this is going to sting: In my opinion, the vast majority of agent Facebook pages
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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