Dear New Realtor, Here Are The Secrets You Must Know To Make It
Via Big Stock Photo “Home is a shelter from storms—all sorts of storms.” — Political pundit William J. Bennett As I stand at what is probably
Nobody will argue that the pandemic is a joke. It’s affecting everyone on many levels, from physically to financially. In the least, life is on hold. Yet, at the same time, we’re all trying to keep things moving in some new, normal-ish way.
It’s unprecedented…
So, over the past couple of months, we at the Lighter Side have found ourselves having to delicately create a fine balance between keeping things light, fun, and witty… while also being as respectful and tasteful as possible.
Because, while the pandemic is no laughing matter…sometimes a little laughter is good medicine.
Here’s a handful of memes we’ve whipped up to give you a giggle, and something to share with your audience and stay top of mind while social distancing.
Agents: Want to stay top of mind? Share these memes with YOUR branding instead of ours. Learn more here.
Agents: Want to stay top of mind? Share these memes with YOUR branding instead of ours. Learn more here.
Agents: Want to stay top of mind? Share these memes with YOUR branding instead of ours. Learn more here.
Agents: Want to stay top of mind? Share these memes with YOUR branding instead of ours. Learn more here.
Agents: Want to stay top of mind? Share these memes with YOUR branding instead of ours. Learn more here.
Hope these gave you a little chuckle and a few things to share with your audience while we wait for life (and business) to get back to normal. But until then stay safe, healthy, positive, productive… and top of mind! (We can help with that last part. Click here to find out how.)
(Shh, our secret)
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Because hey, everyone loves to laugh!
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Via Big Stock Photo “Home is a shelter from storms—all sorts of storms.” — Political pundit William J. Bennett As I stand at what is probably
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Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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