7 Ways To Post About Real Estate Without Boring Your Audience To Tears
Real estate agents need help with social media. I know, because I used to be one who needed it. I’m Mike Bell. If you’re not
A short work commute is certainly a luxury, but at what cost?
Take this 100 square foot apartment in Manhattan. It’s truthfully more like a rectangular closet with a shower. Grayson Altenberg, originally from Wisconsin, recently moved into this fancy shoebox which is a short 5 minute walk to his line cook gig at the Lincoln Ristorante. And like many New Yorkers, he now has a second line cook job at Letoile.
If you’re wondering why he might need a second job, the 100 square feet he lives in sets him back $1,100 per month. I’ll wait for you to pick your jaw back up. Comparatively speaking, that’s a decent deal, and Grayson seems relatively pleased with his decision. Moral of the story for non-New Yorkers? If you ever complain about your rent, this video might just make you thank your lucky stars.
If you liked this one, you’ll love this:
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Real estate agents need help with social media. I know, because I used to be one who needed it. I’m Mike Bell. If you’re not
At some point in their career, almost every agent either considers joining a team, or is asked to join one. It’s not the right move
There are tons of ways and places to market yourself as a real estate agent, but email marketing has to be one of the best
When you hand someone your business card, you’re giving them a small, but important introduction to who you are. Much like resumes and cover letters,
As the saying goes, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But when you’re hiring a real estate agent, it can be easy to
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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