Weekly, Snack-Sized Real Estate Info & Entertainment

Sent straight to your inbox every Saturday

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We hate spam as much as you do, so we’ll never publish, trade, or sell your information.

The best real estate info-tainment in the industry.

What's in Lighter Side Snacks each week?

We like to think of this weekly newsletter as a fusion of two things: info and entertainment. In a word, ‘infotainment.’ We’ll share stuff that’ll not only make you chuckle, but also more serious content that’ll help you grow professionally.

Never curated, always created fresh in-house. Feel free to share these with your social media audience to stay top of mind.

It’s the who’s who news of moves of the rich and famous…or just plain quirky.

What’s the buzz in the biz? We’ll letcha know by curating an interesting article, add some commentary, and give you a little something to think and talk about with your audience.

“How’s the market?” If you had a nickel for every time someone asked you that, right?! Well, we’ll give you something better than a nickel…we’ll give you some insight to share with your prospects and clients.

We’ll share marketing insights you can add to your marketing mix.

Not only will our trivia questions challenge you, they're also designed to be shared with your audience. They hit the sweet spot between being entertaining AND educational — a great formula for creating top-of-mind awareness!

You’ll get our hand-picked post of the week from our members-only Facebook group where agents share their top tips and advice.

An interesting, thought-provoking (and true) tidbit — in meme format — which we bet you or your followers never knew.

Just drop your email below...

Each Saturday you’ll receive a jam-packed letter full of info and insights you can use immediately.

This stuff is only for folks who subscribe, so sign up now or you’ll miss out.

We hate spam as much as you do, so we’ll never publish, trade, or sell your information.

Don't take our word for it...

Memes work! Our members send us love like this all the time!


Contact us

Got a question? Comment? Suggestion? We’re all ears, so drop us a line!
If you’re looking to submit an article or partner with us in other ways, please let us know here.

Contact us

Got a question? Comment? Suggestion? We’re all ears, so drop us a line!!
If you’re looking to submit an article or partner with us in other ways, please let us know here.