Agents: Stop Sending Boring Postcards… Send Ones Like THESE! (16 examples)
Question: Have you seen the postcards most agents send out? BOOOR-ING! I’m pretty sure they make the prospects sleep-walk on their way back inside the
It’s important to feel like you have enough space in the room where you shower, shave, and… answer nature’s various callings. Space efficiency is become increasingly important in many areas of real estate, so we’ve put together a number of storage-management hacks below that will help you add more space to your bathrooms!
With the proper power drill, a fitted scrub brush and cleaner, even the most encrusted bathtubs must submit to the power of cleanliness.
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(Shh, our secret)
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Question: Have you seen the postcards most agents send out? BOOOR-ING! I’m pretty sure they make the prospects sleep-walk on their way back inside the
Ever heard someone use that fancy-pants word, algorithm? As in, “Facebook is always updating their algorithm”? As you might know, Facebook’s algorithm is what determines
This article was published on April 5, 2013 by Amy Curtis and is being republished with her permission. With the spring market underway, my days
Hey there, Real Estate friend – I know Facebook can really burn your biscuits, but… Don’t throw in the towel just yet. Your business page
It’s almost impossible to avoid being exposed to news nowadays. Besides being on TV and radio 24/7, people get notifications on their cell phones, in
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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