Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Realtor?
“Normal” people often ask me, “Cathy, could I make it if I’m not genetically predisposed to being a Realtor as you were?” Heredity did play
Planning to sell your home? Want to enhance its overall appeal quickly and inexpensively? Check out the DIYs below that will help you do just that — for just pennies on the dollar vs. hiring the work out.
This may not be a $30 fix, but it’s still worth mentioning. Instead of cluttering them up with stuff you should probably be throwing away, you can do what Remodelando la Casa did and make that spacing look like something fabulous.
H/T Country Living
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“Normal” people often ask me, “Cathy, could I make it if I’m not genetically predisposed to being a Realtor as you were?” Heredity did play
In this spirit of transparency, we admit we’re totally biased when we say “the most clever.” Why’s that? Because we created them. At any rate,
In high school, your math teacher may have said something along the lines of, “You won’t have a calculator with you all the time.” Fast
Blogging is something many real estate agents struggle with. To begin with, you might wrestle with whether or not it’s even worth doing. Is blogging
As the Chief Chuckler in Charge of the Lighter Side, I believe I have the coolest job in the world. I wouldn’t trade it for
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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