His Porch Lacked Curb Appeal, So He Rented A Jackhammer And Did THIS

Imgur member djhoen was a little bored with the presentation of his home to the public. So, he figured he’d do something to improve curb appeal. Seeing as to how there are many simple ways to enhance curb appeal, what do you think he might have done?

He decided to take on the simple task of transforming this…


Into THIS! How did he do it? I can assure you that two ingredients were a big vision, and sheer bull-headed determination.

The solar lights look nice

And of course, let’s not forget the jackhammer.

After removing the bark from the surrounding flowerbeds (which didn’t have flowers anyway), he decided to remove the stairs… one little chunk at a time. His neighbors probably had a blast watching him chip away endlessly and getting the bit stuck numerous times.

My neighbors saw me doing this and thought I was mentally unstable. Jack-hammering concrete isn't too hard unless it is really thick, like stairs. Then it sucks

After silently contemplating dynamite (I would be), he finally finished the stair removal. The next step was digging a trench for the porch light conduits.

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He had to give his lawn a close shave to make room for the expansion. Seriously though, with a project like this reducing oxygen production is a calculated risk.

The conduit is wired but is not live at this point

He had to make sure the first layer of bricks were level for the retaining wall.

The first of many, many retaining wall bricks. The hardest part is getting that first level of bricks level. After that it is pretty easy. In the past, I made the mistake of not gluing the bricks. When you glue them, they don't settle as much and your lines stay nice and straight for years.

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Notice the dog crate? Someone had to guard the tools and materials while djhoen and family got the precious rest they needed. The pooch was well rewarded.

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After constructing the side retaining wall, he built the stairs so it was easier to actually get in and out of the house for a change.

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The pathway was next.

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The path needed stairs. Stone is so much nicer than cement.

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After installing the capstones and finishing up the pillars, the path had to be connected to the sidewalk. If you are going to do something, do it right.

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“NOTE: for the paver base, I used 4-5 inches of crushed gravel and compacted it with a plate compactor.”

Then I did 1″ of sand and then laid the pavers, then polymeric sand, then I used the plate compactor again before wetting the polymeric.

At the first, I thought about moving the box for the sprinklers to the side of the house but that would have set me back at least 12 hours or so, so I decided to just leave it.”

He left it? What is he, lazy or something?

NOTE: for the paver base, I used 4-5 inches of crushed gravel and compacted it with a plate compacter, then I did 1" of sand and then laid the pavers, then polymeric sand, then I used the plate compactor again before wetting the polymeric.At the first, I thought about moving the box for the sprinklers to the side of the house but that would have set me back at least 12 hours or so, so I decided to just leave it.

After running a plate compactor over the ground several times, he started the pavers on the side patio.

In hindsight, he realized that wasn’t the brightest move because he could’veve gotten the angles wrong. Turns out luck was on his side. Pretty sure cutting around that water main box wasn’t easy either.

The curves look nice but every single edge requires a cut which is a big pain.

He got his oldest son to help him with this project, and estimates he unloaded about 10 tons of bricks.

He told his boy it would help him be big and strong for football. Amazing what teenagers will work themselves into the dirt for. Just think of those cheerleaders, laddy.

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Next up are all of the pretty flowers that weren’t growing in the previous flowerbed.

My wife did all of the planting. Looks good sweetie

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That bull-headed determination paid off! Next up, a Tough Mudder contest! Yeah… probably not.

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