Agents: How To Not Suck At Social Branding (even if you have the personality of a lockbox)
There’s no way around it… Now, more than ever, you’ve GOT to stand out as a real estate agent. To say our industry is over-saturated
Furniture craftsman Nathan Chandler, bought a home in 2009 with a history that could be considered quite unique. Unique because everything is exactly as it was when the home was built, in 1956! One of its main features is a kitsch style kitchen with the theme of Pink. When I say pink, I mean enough pink to make the “Hello Kitty” line jealous! Why is everything still as it was? Well, it seems that no one has lived in the house since it was built, and the reason is undisclosed.
Chandler ultimately decided to sell off the pieces of the kitchen pieces, to some other pink antique collectors. Whether they were bought for the money, for for the sheer sake of saying, “I have something no one else has,” I’m sure the collectors are quite pleased with their purchases. Have to wonder where they will end up.
(Shh, our secret)
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There’s no way around it… Now, more than ever, you’ve GOT to stand out as a real estate agent. To say our industry is over-saturated
There’s nothing better than working with a client who listens to every piece of advice you give along the way. It makes for a smooth
Let me take a stab in the dark here… You feel your company is the greatest, and everyone else should join too. Am I right?
There are tons of ways and places to market yourself as a real estate agent, but email marketing has to be one of the best
Most real estate agents use social media as a means of marketing themselves, at least to some degree. Some agents are able to build a
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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