5 Killer Content Ideas That’ll Make You Want To Use Your CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are a necessary evil for real estate agents. Ideally they’ll make your life easier, keep you organized, and help you
Life as an agent is never dull. Sometimes it’s downright thrilling! And we’re not just talking about those moments when you help clients find their dream homes, or get a listing sold with multiple offers in two days…
…sometimes it’s more like being the lead in a spine-tingling horror movie.
Here’s 14 things that make real estate agents want to scream and scram!
(Shh, our secret)
Show your sphere your an expert. We have over 1950 articles covering every real estate topic your audience will love.
Position yourself as a real estate authority!
Real estate + topical events — the perfect match!
Become the bearer of good vibes!
Because hey, everyone loves to laugh!
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are a necessary evil for real estate agents. Ideally they’ll make your life easier, keep you organized, and help you
Ever heard someone use that fancy-pants word, algorithm? As in, “Facebook is always updating their algorithm”? As you might know, Facebook’s algorithm is what determines
Being a buyers’ agent is a total crap shoot, yet the vast majority of agents find themselves constantly rolling the dice, hoping to get paid.
At some point in their career, almost every agent either considers joining a team, or is asked to join one. It’s not the right move
(How to Become the Go-to Source for Local Reporters When They Need a Real Estate Expert) When you see someone quoted or interviewed by a
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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