7 Ways To Post About Real Estate Without Boring Your Audience To Tears
Real estate agents need help with social media. I know, because I used to be one who needed it. I’m Mike Bell. If you’re not
For those with challenges in marriage, this video will make you thank your lucky stars. Imagine loving your spouse enough to work yourself to the bone, and spend $60,000 on renovations to create what you understand to be her “dream kitchen.” This isn’t easy, and getting it done within her vacation week would be a true work of devotion.
Now imagine that you wait in excitement for her reaction, and then she proceeds to tell you what a failure your efforts were. This is precisely what happens in this video. To make this even more shocking, it was right in front of the entire family! To be fair, the husband did mock “you poor people” in his video. Perhaps birds of a feather do indeed flock together?
If there’s an upside, should they get a divorce, I’m pretty sure he’ll get to keep the kitchen.
(Shh, our secret)
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Real estate agents need help with social media. I know, because I used to be one who needed it. I’m Mike Bell. If you’re not
Crazy title for an article, right? I know. Stick with me, though. I promise this isn’t some sort of “clickbait.” There’s a powerful message if
We’ve all experienced the stress and tension of moving, right? Even after you’ve done all the footwork to find the perfect place, you’ve still got
There are tons of ways and places to market yourself as a real estate agent, but email marketing has to be one of the best
Most people looking for info on how to become a real estate agent are just wanting to learn how to get licensed and, ultimately, “hired”
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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