22 Simple Hacks Every Homeowner Should Know

You can never have enough ways to make your home more efficient. Here are some great ways to recycle, upcycle, and generally improve your home life in unexpected ways. Be sure to check out our Home Improvement section for more awesome home hacks.

1. If your bathroom doesn’t have a towel rack, you use door knobs just as well.

2. Hide your thermostat behind a framed painting to get rid of a common eyesore.

3. Paper towel holders can be used for different purposes, like displaying your bracelet collection.

4. Here’s a creative way to recycle an old drawer into a multipurpose shelf.

5. If you simply HAVE TO HAVE a polka-dot paint job, find an old laundry basket and viola, instant stencil.

6. Here’s a great way of upcycling a wine rack. Bonus if you have wine-colored towels!

7. Shoes aren’t the only thing these organizers can display. There are endless uses for this one.

8. Use a couple of coat rack hooks to hang your ironing board out of sight.

9. Make a rustic bathroom organizer by turning your old wooden CD case upward and mounting it above your sink.

10. Make laundry detergent easier to dispense (and easier on the eyes) with a large dispenser jar.

11. Baby jars are an easy way to store leftover paint for touching things up later.

12. A shower curtain rod can be used for more than hanging a shower curtain.

RELATED: 18 Genius Uses For Tension Rods You’ve Never Considered

13. Need to hide a key? Stick it in an empty bottle for pills, turn it over and glue a pine cone to the bottom. Then bury it so only the pinecone shows.

14. Hide your internet modem (or other shelved eyesores) by creating a bookcase cover compartment.

15. Use ice cubes to reconstitute the dented areas of your carpet. Here’s how.

16. You wouldn’t believe how effective it is to squeegee up pet hair from your carpet. It literally works like magic.

17. Believe it or not, you can ball up aluminum foil and use it as a dryer sheet replacement, for up to six months! See the details here.

18. Are you tired of tripping or slipping on loose floor rugs? Fix them to your wooden floors with acrylic-latex caulk.

19. Shower hooks can make hanging your jeans a breeze!

20. You can turn paper organizers into a great way to keep your sandals organized.

21. Legos are easy to clean if you use a net bag and a washing machine.

22. Glue a magnet to the bottom of your hammer for easily retrieving dropped nails.

H/T viralands.com

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