A Slow Market Will Be the End for Some Real Estate Agents, but It Doesn’t Have to Be for You
As much as the frantic pace of a “hot” market creates a lot of headlines and excitement, they’re not actually the best of times for
Need to add some extra functionality or aesthetic appeal to your home? Want some ideas with a little pazaz and a lot of style? Here are 28 ideas that will make your day!
Here’s how you can build one yourself.
$159 from Zoe Industries.
…and this one is available here.
Get a DIY for this project here.
Get them here.
More information here.
See the DIY guide here.
The same idea can apply to other smaller sized appliances.
These are available, but require professional installation.
There’s a DIY available here.
H/T Buzzfeed
If you liked these home upgrades, you’ll love this:
(Shh, our secret)
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As much as the frantic pace of a “hot” market creates a lot of headlines and excitement, they’re not actually the best of times for
Most people looking for info on how to become a real estate agent are just wanting to learn how to get licensed and, ultimately, “hired”
Agents learn early on in their career that listings are the name of the game. Unfortunately, no matter how much sense that makes, it’s still
Real estate agents need help with social media. I know, because I used to be one who needed it. I’m Mike Bell. If you’re not
If you’ve been wondering if you can start out as a real estate agent part-time until you can get enough business to go full time,
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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