Fixing Scratches In Wood Furniture Is Much Easier Than You Thought

We can all agree that scratches on our favorite wooden furniture can be a bummer. Most people go about refinishing them with hours of sanding, and staining. But does it really have to be that complicated to bring your furniture back to its former glory? Actually, it doesn’t.

Jessica, from Domestic Bliss Squared, decided to try a particular life hack for restoring her wooden table. It took almost no time, and even less effort. The results? Amazing!

Introducing Jessica’s test subject. It is a part of her vintage furniture collection, which her husband (lovingly?) calls, “Ugly grandpa furniture.”

Point taken. Jessica loves her grampy furniture, nonetheless. She attempted all sorts of quick fixes like orange oil and furniture polish on this particular table. Nothing worked.

What’s a gal to do with furniture degradation like this? Why, vinegar and olive oil, of course! I’m not kidding. This is a mixture of 1/2 cup of each. “You’ve got to be kidding, right?”

Well, these results aren’t kidding. It looks like it’s new!

*Carnival voice* That’s right folks. For the low, low price of – insert cost of vinegar and olive oil here – and very little elbow grease, you too can get that beautiful old furniture to shine like the jewel of antiquity it was meant to be!

At a glance, it looks like it’s in perfect condition.

Here’s another example. Lily and Thistle published an article on doing the same thing with this old night stand.

In this case, she used 3/4 cup of canola oil, and 1/4 cup of distilled, white vinegar. She mentions that you can also use cider vinegar and olive oil.

Here’s one of the legs before using a rag to rub the mixture in.

Afterward, you can’t tell that there were ever any scratches.

She calculated the cost of treatment to be $2 per nightstand (there were two), and 30 minutes of total work. Now that’s efficiency!

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