Most Real Estate Team Leaders Are Losing Out on Business by Making This Simple Marketing Mistake
Being a team leader can be like being a bird bringing back food to feed a nest full of hungry babies. Without you feeding leads
Sometimes you just need your own outdoor space. However, with modern suburban neighborhoods and lifestyles the way they are, it’s not always easy to feel like you have your own private spot under the Sun. member, kfoster, didn’t like how open her backyard patio was or how easy it was for her neighbor to look in. So instead, she decided to create her own little sanctuary. All she needed to do was build a relatively inexpensive, monster wall between her and said nearest neighbor. As simple as that might sound, what she accomplished was quite a feat.
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Being a team leader can be like being a bird bringing back food to feed a nest full of hungry babies. Without you feeding leads
You’ve probably been told to build an email database and send them stuff consistently, right? Some agents do. Many don’t. Have you? If you haven’t,
It’s almost impossible to avoid being exposed to news nowadays. Besides being on TV and radio 24/7, people get notifications on their cell phones, in
Want a strong dose of reality? Are you sure? Because this is going to sting: In my opinion, the vast majority of agent Facebook pages
If you’re thinking about becoming a real estate agent, you’re probably aware that you don’t make a dime until (and unless) you sell a house.
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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