Would You Believe This Flooring Was Actually Made From Paper Bags?

We all know there are many ways to improve the flooring in your house. We’ve covered wooden pallet flooring, cordwood flooring, and even 3D painted floors. Ashley, from Domestic Imperfection, has given the internet world an awesome DIY for making a type of flooring we have never seen before.

She took her son’s room and renovated it to look like this, using brown paper. “Wait… What?”

Via Domestic Imperfection

Best part is, she did the entire 10’ x 12’ room for only $80. How did she do it? She used the following materials:

  • Brown paper. She used a roll of builder’s paper from the Home Depot, but you can use other types.
  • A gallon of Elmer’s glue.
  • Wood stain for a custom color (if you want).
  • Something to seal the floors. There are multiple options, but Ashley doesn’t recommend polyurethane. You’ll see why.

It is a good idea to have a sander for any scratches, and filler to seal up any holes from carpet tacks.

The first step was to remove the floor trim. Here’s the “project manager” at work.

Via Domestic Imperfection

The next task was tearing the paper into desired shaping.

They chose to tear it randomly for a more organic shaping, similar to stone. Ashley and her son balled them up and straightened them back out to give them the stone like, textured effect.

Via Domestic Imperfection

The glue then came into play for placing the paper in overlapping patterns.

I bet the “project manager” loved this part. The mixture was 50% water and 50% Elmer’s glue.

Via Domestic Imperfection

Ashley recommends slathering both sides of the paper with glue and giving plenty of overlap since the pieces will shrink as they dry.

Via Domestic Imperfection

As easy as this sounds, it took about 5 nights to finish the project. A great deal of netflix and playful bickering was shared among the family.

Via Domestic Imperfection

The next phase was to seal everything in place.

Via Domestic Imperfection

Stain was applied using a mop. The process took less than 30 minutes.

Via Domestic Imperfection

A polyurethane coat was applied and allowed to dry.

When they came back to check it, this was the result.To fix this, they added another layer of stain on top, and another layer of polyurethane.

Via Domestic Imperfection


Via Domestic Imperfection

It is a good idea to let the floor cure for about a week.

For a further detailed account of this project, and an opportunity to ask Ashley questions about the process, check the DIY here.

Via Domestic Imperfection

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