An Entire Neighborhood Teamed Up to Create the Most Insane Christmas Light Show Ever
You know that neighbor who gets waaay too into Christmas? And fills his lawn with fake reindeer and candy cane decorations and an inflatable Santa?
1 post
Mike has asked repeatedly to be called “His Royal Awesomeness”, but no one listens. So, he settles for "Chief Chuckler in Charge" of Lighter Side of Real Estate. He enjoys writing bios in third person and hopes you don't think any less of him because his headshot was shot in a bar.
You know that neighbor who gets waaay too into Christmas? And fills his lawn with fake reindeer and candy cane decorations and an inflatable Santa?
Buying a new house? Thinking of upgrading your existing home? You might want to consider investing in a home theater system. Imagine the experience of
At first glance, you might be thinking “bomb shelter”… but it’s really more like the bomb. I’m not exactly sure how this would affect resale
Agents, this is how you get people to not only come to your open house, but also to sign in! “Heck yeah, you can ride
Selling a home is difficult enough, so why would you make it even harder with these awful listing photos? Consider this a wacky collection of
Here’s a cautionary tale about the importance of using correct spelling when running ads. A man wanting to sell his home by owner posted an
And you thought Lighter Side was all fun ‘n games, huh? Nope, gotta toss you some fun tips, tricks, and “home hacks” from time to
In this video, David Flemming, a Realtor from Toronto, counts down the most common agent stereotypes in what he calls his: Top 10 Real Estate
Having a real estate agent as your significant other definitely comes with perks. So if one asks you out on a date, or for your
Meredith Location: Pierre, SD Company: Linn Real Estate Website I got a listing a few years ago as a newer agent. I was pretty excited.
Selling real estate is all rainbows and unicorns, right? Show a few homes, scribble some ink on a few sheets of paper, and deposit wheelbarrows
It’s sorta plain-jane from the outside. View post on imgur.com It features a cute little mud room. Via pontuzlofgren.se And a modern kitchen… …with solid
Depending on your situation, it may not take the full 30 minutes.
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